Make Your Opinions Work For You

Join more than a million people who earn cool rewards at your fave stores like Sephora and Ulta Beauty. You can even earn rewards towards streaming services like Hulu and Apple Music, or donate your rewards to charities like the Equal Justice Initiative and the NAACP

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Give Feedback.
Earn Rewards

Earn points for every fun and quick question you answer and redeem them for gift cards at your favorite stores, like Amazon, Sephora, Target, Nintendo and more.

You can even earn rewards towards streaming services like Hulu and Apple Music, or donate your rewards to charities like the World Food Program.

Turn your voice
into change

Joining the 1 million-member Crowdtap® community gives you the chance to tell the brands you love exactly what you think, so they’ll make decisions based on your voice.

That collective voice results in real change across the brands you know. If you’ve got a few seconds to spare, why not put your opinions to work?

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© 2020 Crowdtap. All Rights Reserved.

*The brands above  are not sponsors of the rewards or otherwise affiliated with the reward program. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company's website for additional terms and conditions.

How Crowdtap Works

Take quick and fun surveys

Give direct feedback to your favorite brands

The more you answer, and the higher quality answers you give, the more points you earn towards gift cards at your favorite brand or charity.

The more you answer, and the higher quality answers you give, the more points you earn towards gift cards at your favorite brand or charity.

Give direct feedback to your favorite brands

Joining the 1 million-member Crowdtap® community gives you the chance to tell the brands you love exactly what you think, so they’ll make decisions based on your voice.

That collective voice results in real change across the brands you know. If you’ve got a few seconds to spare, why not put your opinions to work?